AESA is an approach, which can be gainfully employed by extension functionaries and farmers to analyses field situations with regard to pests, defenders, soil conditions, plant health, the influence of climatic factors and their interrelationship for growing healthy crop. Such a critical analysis of the field situations will help in taking appropriate deci

sion on management practices. The methodology is as follows.
Go to the field in groups. Walk across the field and choose 10 plants randomly. Observe keenly each of these plants and record your observations:
v  Plant: observe the plant height, number of tillers, crop stage, deficiency symptoms, etc.
v  Pests: observe and count pests at different places on the plant.
v  Defenders: observe and count parasites and predators.
v  Rats: count numbers of plants affected by rats.
v  Weeds: observe weeds in the field and their intensity.
v  Water: observe the water situation of the field.
v  Weather: observe the weather condition.
v  Soil conditions: observe type of soil & condition of soil (wet/Dry).
Ø  While walking in the field, manually collect insects in plastic bags. Use a sweep net to collect additional insects.
Ø  Find a shady place to sit as a group in a small circle for drawing and discussion.
Ø  Kill the insects with some chloroform on a piece of cotton.
Ø  Each group will first identify the pests and defenders collected.
Ø  Each group will then analyze the field situation and present their analysis in a drawing (AESA drawing).
Ø  Each drawing will show a plant/hill representing the field situation. The weather condition, water level, etc. will be shown in the drawing. Pest insects will be drawn on the left. Defenders (beneficial insects) will be drawn on the right. Write the number next to each insect. Indicate the plant part where the pests and defenders were found. Try to show the interaction between pests and defenders.
Ø  Each group will discuss the situation and make a recommendation.
Ø  A member of each group will now present their analysis in front of all participants. Make sure that a different person will present each week.
Ø  The facilitator will facilitate a discussion by asking guiding questions.
Ø  The facilitator also makes sure that all participants (also shy persons) become actively involved in this process.
Ø  Formulate a common conclusion. The whole group should support the decision on what field management is required.
Ø  Make sure that the required activities (based on the decision) will be carried out.
Ø  Keep the drawing for further action.



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