21. Integrated pest management in Rice
  • Avoid water stagnation – level the field
  • Summer ploughing
  • Trimming and plastering the bunds
  • Maintain weed free condition in the field and bunds
  • Transplanting at appropriate stage after removal of terminal part (2 to 4") of seedlings to reduce the chances of carrying and migration of immature stages of yellow stem borer.
  • Leaving alleys (30 cm) after every 5 meters in the main field is advantageous for field monitoring as well as manual movement to take up required interventions
  • Drain excess water from field.
  • Flood the nursery. Ducks can be allowed to pick up bugs and larvae
  • Regulating 'N' applications to avoid nutritional resurgence of plant and leaf hoppers. Supplementing N with K2O and neem coated materials for better utility and reduction of negative effects.
  • Use recommended dose of N-fertilizer
  • Harvesting of crop to ground level to reduce the chances of yellow stem borer and gallmidge build up, since stubbles serve as reservoir of these pests under many situations.
  • Grow pest resistant rice varieties.
  • Set up light trap to attract large number of bugs and moth
  • Using pheromone traps (8 per acre) and light traps to understand the brood initiation of yellow stem borer, leaf folder and climbing cut worm should form a basic step in each situation.
  • Adoption of mechanical practices like rope running to expose case worm and leaf folder larvae before going to chemical interventions.
  • Creating avenues for broad spectrum predators like spiders by maintaining shelters in and around rice fields during off season.
  • Similarly rice crop maintenance should be in the process of conserving and exploiting of potential predators like mirids, dragon flies and carabid beetles, common in rice eco-system. Conserve spiders, Coccinellids and wasps
  • Application of recommended insecticides

22. Integrated pest management in cotton
Ø  Avoiding alternative hosts and weeds like Bhendi, GG, BG, Tobacco, cassava, sunflower, safflower, Abutilon, Chrosophora rottaleri, Solanum nigrum, Hibiscus fisculensis. 
Ø  Deep summer ploughing to expose hibernating larva
Ø  Avoiding rationing
Ø   Drying seeds in sun or at 600C (April – May)
Ø   Acid delinting (100 ml / kg)
Ø   Seed fumigation with MBR 3.5 kg/100 m3 for 24 hours
Ø  Crushing rosetted bloom
Ø  Trap cropping – Castor
Ø  Monitoring – Light / pheromone traps – Pherodin SL (12/ha)
Ø  Egg mass destruction ; Young gregarious larvae
Ø  Disposing damaged leaves
Ø  Hand picking
Ø  NPV 250 LE / ha – evenings
Ø  Poison baits – Bran 12.5 kg ; Jaggery 1.25 kg ; Carbaryl 50 WP 1.25 kg water           7.5 lit – evening
Ø  Manitaming field sanitation
Ø  Growing cotton once a year either during winter or summer
Ø  Growing tolerant varieties like LPS 141 (Kanchana) Supriya, LK 861 with glabrous leaf surface. 
Ø  Timely sowing-Winter irrigation (August – September); Summer I  (February – March)
Ø  Spacing -Short duration (January – February); Medium  (January – February); Wider spacing Normal 45 – 60 cm(rows)  and 15-60 cm (plants) Wider 15-30 cm in excess

23. Integrated pest management in Sugarcane

  1. Use resistant varieties like CO 975, CO 7304 and COJ 46 (inter node borer) CO 312, CO 421, CO 661, CO 917 and CO 853 (early shoot borer)
  2. Select internode borer damage free setts for planting.
  3. Early planting during December-January escapes the shoot borer incidence
  4. Daincha intercropped sugarcane record the lowest early shoot borer incidence
  5. Collect and destroy the eggs periodically
  6. Trash mulching to a thickness of 10-15 cm on 3 days after planting
  7. Adequate moisture to bring down the soil temperature and to increase humidity; remove and destruct dead hearts
  8. Detrash the crop on 150th and 210th day of planting.
  9. Detrashing dislodge the pupae that remain in the leaf sheath.
  10. Avoid the use of excessive nitrogenous fertilizers.
  11. Release egg parasite, Trichogramma chilonis at the rate of 2.5 cc /release/ha. Six  releases at fortnightly intervals starting from 4th month onwards.
  12. granuloses virus 1.1 x 105 IBS / ml (750 diseased larvae /ha ) twice on 35 & 50 DAP
13.  Release of 125 gravid females of Sturmiopsis inferens, a tachinid parasite
14.  Release Ichneumonid parasitised Isotima javensis @ 100 pairs/ha as prepupa! Parasitoid
  1. Release parasitoid of Epiricurnia melanoleuca Fletcher. for effective suppression of pyrilla

 24. Integrated pest management in coconut
v  Remove and burn all dead coconut trees in the garden (which are likely to serve as breeding ground) to maintain good sanitation.
v  Avoid injuries on stems of palms as the wounds may serve as oviposition sites for the red palm weevil. Fill all holes in the stem with cement.
v  Collect and destroy the various bio-stages of the insects from the garden.
v  Incorporate the entomopathogen i.e., fungus (Metarrhizium anisopliae) in manure pits to check the Rhinocerous beetle.
v  Release Goniozus nephantidis six times in 10- 15 days interval @500/release for black headed caterpillar.
v  Release the exotic predator Platymeris laevicollis for Rhinocerous beetle.
v  Soak castor cake at 1 kg in 5 l of water in small mud pots and keep them in the coconut gardens to attract and kill the adults of Rhinocerous beetle.
v  Treat the longitudinally split tender coconut stem and green petiole of fronds with fresh toddy and keep them in the garden to attract and trap the beetles.
v  For seedlings, apply 3 naphthalene balls/palm weighing 3.5 g each at the base of inter space in leaf sheath in the 3 inner most leaves of the crown once in 45 days.
v  Set up light traps following the first rains in summer and monsoon period to attract and kill the adult beetles.
v  Install pheromone trap for mass trapping.
v  Place phorate 10 G 5 g in perforated sachets in two inner most leaf axils for 2 times at 6 months intervals.
v  Root feeding may be done with monocrotophos 36 WSC 10 ml + water 10 ml.


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