7. Cultural, 8.Pysical & 9. Mecanical Control

Definition : Manipulation of cultural practices to the disadvantage of pests.

I.                    Farm level practices

Cropping techniques
Pest checked

Summer Ploughing
Red hairy caterpillar
  1. 2.  

Allowing ducks into the field
Swarming caterpillar
  1. 3.       

Rice mealy bug
  1. 4.       

Trimming and plastering
Rice grass hopper
  1. 5.       

Pest free seed material
Potato tuber moth, Banana rhizome weevil, Sweet potato weevil.
  1. 6.       

High seed rate
Sorghum shootfly
  1. 7.       

Plant density
Rice brown planthopper
  1. 8.       

Earthing up
Sugarcane early shoot borer, cotton stem weevil.
  1. 9.       

Sugarcane whitefly and Scale.
  1. 10.   

Destruction of weed hosts
Citrus fruit sucking moth
  1. 11.   

Destruction of alternate host
Cotton whitefly (tomato, brinjal, etc.,)
  1. 12.   

Rice armyworm
  1. 13.   

Trash mulching
Sugarcane early shoot borer
  1. 14.   

Pruning / topping
Mango stem borer
Clip off tip of seedlings-Rice stem borer
  1. 15.   

Sorghum+lablab to minimize Sorghum stem borer
  1. 16.   

Trap cropping
Ø  Cabbage & cauliflower with mustard-Diamond back moth
Ø  Cotton with castor-Spodoptera litura
  1. 17.   

Water management
Alternate wetting & drying- Brown planthopper
  1. 18.   

Judicious application of fertilizers
Rice leaf folder
  1. 19.   

Timely harvesting
Sweet potato weevil, Pulse beetle, Potato tuber moth.

II. Community level practices
1. Synchronized sowing: Dilution of pest infestation (eg) Rice, Cotton
2. Crop rotation              : Breaks insect life cycle
3. Crop sanitation
Ø  Destruction of insect infested parts (eg.) Mealy bug in brinjal
Ø  Removal of fallen plant parts (eg.) Cotton squares
Ø  Crop residue destruction (eg.) Cotton stem weevil
1.      No extra skill
2.      No costly inputs
3.      No special equipments
4.      Minimal cost
5.      Good component in IPM
6.      Ecologically sound
1.      No complete control
2.      Prophylactic nature
3.      Timing decides success

Definition: Modification of physical factors in the environment to minimize (or) prevent pest problems. Use of physical forces like temperature, moisture, etc. in managing the insect pests.
A. Manipulation of temperature
v  Sun drying the seeds to kill the eggs of stored product pests.
v  Hot water treatment (50 - 55oC for 15 min) against rice white tip nematode.
v  Flame throwers against locusts.
v  Burning torch against hairy caterpillars.
v  Cold storage of fruits and vegetables to kill fruitflies (1 - 2oC for 12 - 20 days).
B. Manipulation of moisture
v  Alternate drying and wetting rice fields against BPH.
v  Drying seeds (below 10% moisture level) affects insect development.
v  Flooding the field for the control of cutworms.
C. Manipulation of light
v  Treating the grains for storage using IR light to kill all stages of insects (eg.)
v  Infra-red seed treatment unit.
v  Providing light in storage go downs as the lighting reduces the fertility of
v  Indian meal moth, Plodia sp
v  Light trapping.
D. Manipulation of air
v  Increasing the CO2 concentration in controlled atmosphere of stored grains to cause asphyxiation in stored product pests.
E. Use of irradiation
v  Gamma irradiation from Co60 is used to sterilize the insects in laboratory which compete with the fertile males for mating when released in natural condition.
(eg.) Cattle screw worm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax control in Curacao Island by   E.F.Knipling.
F. Use of greasing material
v  Treating the stored grains particularly pulses with vegetable oils to prevent the oviposition and the egg hatching. eg., Bruchid adults.
G. Use of visible radiation
v  Yellow color preferred by aphids, cotton whitefly. Eg. Yellow sticky traps.
H. Use of Abrasive dusts
v  Red earth treatment to red gram: Injury to the insect wax layer.
v  Activated clay: Injury to the wax layer resulting in loss of moisture leading to death. It is    used against stored product pests.
v  Drie-Die: This is a porous finely divided silica gel used against storage insects.

Use of mechanical devices or manual forces for destruction or exclusion of pests.

A. Mechanical destruction : Life stages are killed by manual (or) mechanical force.
Manual Force
v  Hand picking the caterpillars
v  Beating : Swatting housefly and mosquito
v  Sieving and winnowing : Red flour beetle (sieving) rice weevil (winnowing)
v  Shaking the plants : Passing rope across rice field to dislodge caseworm and
v  shaking neem tree to dislodge June beetles
v  Hooking : Iron hook is used against adult rhinoceros beetle
v  Crushing : Bed bugs and lice
v  Combing : Delousing method for Head louse
v  Brushing: Woollen fabrics for clothe moth, carpet beetle.
Mechanical force
v  Entoletter: Centrifugal force - breaks infested kernels - kill insect stages - whole grains unaffected - storage pests.
v  Hopper dozer: Kill nymphs of locusts by hording into trenches and filled with soil.
v  Tillage implements: Soil borne insects, red hairy caterpillar.
v  Mechanical traps: Rat traps of various shapes like box trap, back break trap, wonder trap, Tanjore bow trap.
B. Mechanical exclusion
Mechanical barriers prevent access of pests to hosts.
v  Wrapping the fruits: Covering with polythene bag against pomegranate fruit borer.
v  Banding: Banding with grease or polythene sheets - Mango mealybug.
v  Netting: Mosquitoes, vector control in green house.
v  Trenching: Trapping marching larvae of red hairy caterpillar.
v  Sand barrier: Protecting stored grains with a layer of sand on the top.
v  Water barrier: Ant pans for ant control.
v  Tin barrier: Coconut trees protected with tin band to prevent rat damage.
v  Electric fencing: Low voltage electric fences against rats.
Advantage of mechanical control                                 Disadvantages
v  Home labour utilization                               1. Limited application
v  Low equipment cost                                    2. Rarely highly effective
v  Ecologically safe                                         3. Labour intensive
v  High technical skill not required in adopting.


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